Case Study: AVARI software

About the company:
AVARI is a platform that provides pre-defined SaaS chart pack subscription services. They fuse data from many sources to provide the best available visitor insights for regions and places.


AVARI is a constantly growing software company. Having just won the IoT Global Awards 2023 for their data, cloud, and analytics innovation, the rate of their growth and the increase in their client numbers has been fast. With the need for more support, they reached out to PlugWork Virtual’s outsourcing services.


Having a small team while experiencing an exponential growth in their client base means that they would need more professionals to assist them. Together with their growth is the need to reinforce their marketing efforts. There is also a lot of logistics and administrative tasks needed to be covered in order to organize all the data coming in from different clients. AVARI needed someone who would be able to communicate with their team effectively and who would be able to deliver on the marketing and adminstrative end.


PlugWork Virtual provided an Email Marketer and Database Manager in the form of one remote professional for AVARI. The remote professional accessed their CRM to send pre-generated emails and brochures to their leads. The process also includes sending follow-up emails to leads that respond. In addition, the remote professional searches for additional leads and continuously updates and sets up AVARI’s CRM system. A Client Success Manager was also assigned to assist AVARI if they have any questions or concerns regarding their Email Marketer and Database Manager’s performance.


PlugWork Virtual was able to provide the much needed assistance to AVARI. They now have a team member that handles their CRM and LinkedIn for lead generation and updates. Also part of the process is the sending of pre-sales email and marketing materials which is also being covered by the remote professional provided. Over 200 leads are being acquired daily with their records and data all being updated. In addition, AVARI’s costs were reduced to about 80% in comparison to the cost they would have if they had two professionals doing separate tasks or if they hired onshore talents.